Dr. Marianna Beatie

Dr. Amanda Sant Amour

Dr. Becca Acton

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Find Out If You Have Sleep Apnea

Rely on us for a sleep apnea screening in Bettendorf, IA

Are you worried that you might have sleep apnea? Bettendorf Family Dental can check to see if you are right. We provide sleep apnea screenings in Bettendorf, IA. If you are a loud snorer, exhausted during the daytime or wake up during the night gasping for air, you will want to get a screening done as soon as possible.

Get in touch with us now to arrange for a sleep study.

If we discover that you do have sleep apnea, we will refer you to Dr. Marianna Beattie for dental sleep medicine, such as oral appliance therapy. When you come to us for sleep apnea screening, we will:

Reach out to us today to schedule a sleep study.

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